How to Make a Cute Zebra Puppet by Using Our Horse Puppet Sewing Pattern

Even though zebra print fleece isn’t readily available now you can still make an adorable zebra puppet! We have a free download of the pattern to cut the stripes that I sewed on a white zebra puppet.

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Flamingo Freebies!

As a reminder we wanted to let you know that we have freebies to go with the featured animal of the Puppet of the Month half price sale. These blog articles have already been published but we wanted to let you know about them in case you weren’t aware of the freebies and information.

Freebies for this Month’s Puppet of the Month – Flamingo

Flamingo Fun Facts article has some fun and interesting facts in addition to a free coloring page. This coloring page could be cut out and glued to a tongue depressor to make a fun stick puppet.

Flamingo Craft Activities has cute craft ideas for the featured animal we found across the net (unfortunately, some of the links are no longer available). But the link to the download for the template of our free paper bag puppet is working! The template can be printed on one page (to save paper), colored, cut out and glued to a small paper bag to make an adorable paper bag puppet.

Flamingos in Books has a free pattern with instructions on how to make a fun simple felt hand puppet. The short list of fiction and non fiction books would go perfectly with either the felt hand puppet or a puppet with a moving mouth made from our Flamingo Puppet Sewing Pattern.

No matter what type of puppet you use, whether a stick puppet, paper bag puppet, simple felt hand puppet or a moving mouth puppet, any puppet helps to bring a book alive to bring joy to both reader and listeners.

what our customers are saying:

“Excellent pattern – easy to follow instructions and pictures. Very successful! Thank you!”

“Great pattern, easy to follow instructions, easy download to receive pattern”

Flamingo Puppet Pattern