We are continuing the camel theme with a list of books that we thought would be interesting and fun to pair with a camel puppet. We even have a free pattern to make a simple camel felt hand puppet!
In a previous camel blog article we listed a few links to craft projects featuring camels that we found around the web. We also had a free download of a camel paper bag puppet pattern.
When I was a volunteer reader for a local preschool I noticed that kids became more engaged during reading when any type of puppet is used to help bring a book alive.
- Kids love puppets.
- Puppets boost creativity and stimulate kids’ imaginations.
- Sometimes kids feel more comfortable reading to a puppet rather than to an adult.
- A puppet can be used as an impartial character allowing kids to express their true emotions.
- A puppet made from our patterns is perfect for story time because it is soft and pliable. It can be stuffed into a small place ready to pop out to engage the kids. And it is easy to wash!
Books Featuring Camels
There aren’t very many non holiday story books about camels. What I like about the two story books featured here is that the stories take place in different countries. Did you know preschool kids love maps? I knew kids loved puppets but the interest in maps really surprised me. The books could be read while using a puppet then show kids where the story took place on a map.
Scholastic’s Nature’s Children books never disappoint and the book Camels is perfect for 8-10 years old. It has great pictures and gives age appropriate information about camels.
Get Off That Camel written by veteran children’s author A.H. Benjamin and illustrated by Krishna Bala Shenoi is for ages 3-7. The story is about a little girl who is obsessed with camels. We realize how obsessed she is when she is given a real camel. The story and vibrant colorful illustrations gives us a fanciful look into everyday life in India. It also is a great story to start a conversation about how to treat animals.
Little Humpty is for preschool to kindergarten ages. It is written by Margaret Wild and illustrated by Ann James. The story is about the bond between mom and child. I like that the child is called Little Humpty so that either boys or girls will identify with the young camel. Mom is concerned that her little one has no playmates so they travel to the Great Waterhole. The illustrations are a delight to look at and the words are a delight to read aloud.
Free Download of a Camel Felt Hand Puppet Pattern
Don’t have the time to sew a puppet? Need a puppet fast? We have a free download for a camel hand puppet pattern using felt squares available from craft stores. The puppet can be made without sewing – all you need is a hot glue gun.
Need a puppet with a moving mouth and make expressions? We’ve got the pattern!
Need a puppet that can talk and make facial expressions? You can sew one with our Camel Puppet Sewing Pattern. The pattern is available as a digital download so you can start sewing immediately. We recommend using fleece and felt fabrics because they are inexpensive, readily available from craft stores, washable and easy to sew. Customers tell us how easy our step by step patterns (with lots of pictures) are to follow especially after watching the video tutorials. In fact you can watch our free video tutorial on how to sew the camel puppet right now!
What our customers are saying:
“Very detailed step-by-step instructions with color photos. Can’t wait to get all the supplies and make this puppet.”
“The puppets turn out really well and are a joy to use!”