Chicken Fun Facts

Our pattern of the month is the Chicken!  Chickens have prehistoric roots and are the closest living relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  They also have the ability to regenerate their hearing to almost 100%!  If their hearing starts to fail, they grow new cells.  This is being studied because it could have a huge impact for human deafness.  They really are fascinating animals. 

Chicken Puppet Pattern

Fun Facts About Chickens
Photo Credit: Pixabay CCO Creative Commons
  • Chickens can remember over 100 different faces of animals or people
  • Chickens were domesticated in ancient China over 8,000 years ago
  • A mother hen turns her eggs over 50 times during the day
  • Chickens can see and dream in full color
  • They can tell time by where the sun is


Upcoming Chicken Craft Activities

In our next blog, we’ll be sharing a few ideas and links for some fun chicken craft activities that we found around the web. We’ll also have a free download pattern for the kids to make their own chicken paper bag puppet. You can also check out our Puppet of the Month Pinterest Board.

Until then, enjoy our free download of a chicken coloring page for the kids to color!

Need a Puppet with a Moving Mouth and Makes Expressions?  We’ve got the pattern! 

You can buy the Chicken Puppet Sewing Pattern here.  It is available as a digital download so you can start sewing immediately.  Each pattern has step by step instructions and free video tutorial.  In fact you can watch our free tutorial on how to sew the chicken puppet right now!  Beginner sewists have complimented us on how easy they found our instructions to follow.  We recommend using fleece and felt to make our puppets because these fabrics are readily available from craft stores, inexpensive, washable and easy to sew.

What our customers are saying:

“Pattern is well written and easy to follow.”

“These are awesome looking puppets. I love them!”