In February, it’s time to kick back for the Big Game with some cherries and tortilla chips after you checked out a few black history books from your local library that you love.
February 2nd is Groundhog Day
While the little furry weather man is busy trying to see his shadow or not, why not watch Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? Then keep the theme going with a double feature of Caddyshack and Fantastic Mr. Fox.
February 10th is Clean Out Your Computer Day
It’s that time again. Get a jump on spring cleaning and keep your technology in tip top shape by cleaning up your desktop and blowing the dust out of your hardware.
February 14th is Valentine’s Day
Hearts and flowers and chocolates and little candies that talk to you. Oh my!
February 20th is Cherry Pie Day
February is Cherry Month, so buy some cherries and bake them into something even better. Cherry pie a la mode. With sprinkles!
February 26th is Tell a Fairy Tale Day
There are so many fairy tales to choose from on Tell a Fairy Tale Day. My favorite is The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. What’s your favorite fairy tale?