The Elephant and Piggie series by Mo Willems is an adorable children’s book series that I love to read to the preschool set. Gerald the Elephant is a very distinctive character with big ears and glasses.
When I first created my elephant hand puppet, I was a bit surprised how much it looks like Gerald. All that was needed to adapt my elephant pattern to make it look more like Gerald was changing the ears, stiffening the trunk and putting dark rimmed glasses on it.
In about in afternoon you too can have a Gerald puppet to play along with the kids as you read the books together.
All you need is:
• The Tucson Puppet Lady’s Moveable Mouth Elephant Hand Puppet Pattern available from Etsy Store or our website store.
• Free Ear Pattern and Trunk Insert with instructions PDF
• Black yarn wrapped glasses. Quick, cheap, easy and fun way to make eyeglasses. Click here for instructions.
You don’t want Gerald to be lonely, and he won’t be because we have a pig pattern. I was doubly surprised to see how much our pig pattern looked like Piggie. The only adaptations necessary were changing the eyes and adding eyebrows.
Check out this blogpost to see how to make Gerald’s friend Piggie!