Don’t Push the Button! by Bill Cotter is an interactive children’s picture book featuring Larry and a large red button that he shouldn’t push. When he can’t resist the temptation any longer, he tells the reader to push the button. And the results are unexpected for each additional push.

So what could make a button pushing book even better? How about some easy to print and color stick puppets? Here’s what you’ll need:
• “Don’t Push the Button” book by Bill Cotter
• Don’t Push the Button Stick Puppet Activity PDF
• Printer for printing out the coloring sheets
• 2-3 Printer paper sheets
• Crayons, colored pencils or markers
• Glue or tape
• 6 Popsicle sticks
• Scissors
• Optional: Empty cereal box
Print out the last 2 pages of the pdf. Color in the Larrys and the button.
If you want a sturdier stick puppet, then glue to whole sheet to a piece of cardboard. An empty cereal box is perfect. Then cut out each shape.
Glue or tape a popsicle stick to the back of each Larry and the button. Now you have the complete set of stick puppets to act out the story. Have fun!