Here is another collection of links to other sites and blogs that offer free hand puppet patterns. Check out our previous 31 Free Hand Puppet Patterns from Around the Web post for even more free hand puppet patterns.
A very clever use of socks in making a hand puppet. Are they sock puppets or hand puppets? They end up being both and incredibly cute as well.
Super adorable felt hand puppets with very detailed instructions and patterns.
Make a wide assortment of hand puppets out of fleece (or adapt to felt) using Jo Ann’s pattern and instruction. While the link might look like a paid listing, the pattern is available to download for free.
Step by step instructions for making a fox hand puppet out of fleece. Pattern and instructions by helloworldprogram on Instructables.
Update 9-13-18: Link broken. Step by step instructions on how to make people hand puppets out of upcycled materials. Pattern and photos available at link.
Combination blog post that uses eHow instructions to make their own puppet. Includes the eHow step links and information about the puppet made.
Another Instructables link. This time for a felt monkey hand puppet by Cairdy Crafts. Super cute with the little legs and tail.
Python hand puppet by jarednielsen on Instructables. Made out of fleece and it looks really cool. Love the tongue.
Update 9-13-18: Link no longer free access to blog. Not a true free pattern, but the blog poster has a link to a free oven mitt pattern that they used to make the crocodile puppet.
Update 9-13-18: Link broken. Make a spider, ladybug, dragonfly, bumblebee and caterpillar using Jo Ann’s pdf. Get the pdf with the patterns and instructions at the link.
It’s not quite the season, but I love the animals in this collection of felt hand puppets adapted from finger puppets.
Update 9-13-18: Broken link. The project blog is part 1, but part 2 never seemed to get posted. There’s still a ton of info to grab from the pictures on how to make these moving mouth felt hand puppets. Love the idea.
Update 9-13-18: Broken link. These zoo felt hand puppets are adapted from the Old MacDonald Felt Hand Puppets posted in our other Free Hand Puppet Post. They are just as cute.
Update 9-13-18: Broken link. Really cool and pretty rare hand puppet of a Stingray. Includes free instructions and pattern on how to make.
Super cute felt bunny hand puppet. Instructions include machine and hand sewing, but you could probably change it pretty easily to glue.
Update 9-13-18: Broken link. Make a spooky grave with ghost, cat or ghostly candy corn. Haven’t seen the candy corn one before.
Update 9-13-18: Broken link. Cute little owl duo hand puppets from Jo Ann.