Here is a collection of links to other sites and blogs that offer free finger puppet patterns. Check out our Pinterest board to see all the free finger puppet links.

Bright Apple Blossom Finger Puppets
Bear, lion, frog, cat, dog, peacock, monkey and pig felt finger puppet patterns. Love the use of embroidery stitches for embellishments.
Tacky the Penguin Finger Puppets
Finger puppet patterns to match the Tacky the Penguin book.
Three Little Pigs and Wolf Finger Puppets
Finger puppet patterns for the three little pigs including the wolf. Love the use of buttons and ribbon.
Finger Puppet Kit
Very clever DIY puppet making kit using knit gloves and felt embellishments. A treat sampler box becomes both the storage and puppet stage.
Disney Frozen Finger Puppets by Idea Room
The gang from Disney’s Frozen is all here in mini felt form. Super cute and great design.
Holiday Finger Puppets
Celebrate the holidays with these finger puppets. Make a Christmas tree, Rudolph the reindeer, Santa, elf and snowman.
Paper Finger Puppets
Printable paper finger puppets designed by Salazad for Happy Play. Super cute design.
Easter Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets
All of these are cute, but I love the bunny rabbit finger puppet with the little pipe cleaner ears.
Shark Finger Puppet
Cue the Jaws theme. Here’s a great shark felt finger puppet pattern.
Finger Puppets
Elephant, chicken, sheep, owl, pig and peacock finger puppet patterns.
Castle Finger Puppet Theater
Very detailed castle quiet book theater with wizard, knight, princess and dragon finger puppets.
Ocean Exploration Finger Puppets
Ocean finger puppet patterns for submarine, squid, hammerhead shark, walrus and deep sea angler.