We now offer two skull options for our move-able mouth animal puppet patterns that we have for sale through our website and Etsy stores!

When we first designed the patterns, we included a foam skull pattern and instructions. The skull helps shape the head of the puppet. In addition it helps to hold the puppeteer’s hand in the mouth of the puppet. As puppet makers and puppeteers we prefer the foam skull since it is very lightweight.
We are very comfortable working with foam, X-Acto knives and contact cement. But as pattern makers we learned from customers that they preferred an all fabric skull because not everyone has X-Acto knives, foam and contact cement laying around the house. They wanted a skull that was made from easy to find and easy to work with materials.

Therefore we created a fabric skull that is made from the fleece scraps and poly-fil leftover from sewing our puppets. So now you don’t have to buy extra craft knives or foam. Nor do you have to run to the hardware to buy contact cement. Plus contact cement is a little tricky to work with and toxic. The fabric skull is definitely kid-friendly, unlike a foam skull.
When we do long marathon puppet shows that last for hours, we still use the foam skull. But for short shows the fabric skull works perfectly.

After the puppet and skull are made, all you do is push the skull up inside the puppet. The dome part of either skull fits in the dome part of the head.
We have revised all of our animal puppet patterns to remove the foam skull and replace it with the fabric skull. We are making both patterns available as free downloads to give our customers the option of either. If you have purchased an original pattern with foam skull, you can download the fabric skull. If you have purchased a revised pattern and prefer the foam skull, you can download the foam pattern.
Foam Skull Pattern and Instructions PDF
Making a Foam Skull
This video shows how to cut and glue 1/2″ foam into a skull that fits into the head of our puppets.
Fabric Skull Pattern and Instructions PDFWatch any of our How to Sew Puppets videos on YouTube to see how the fabric skull is made.